200-Hour Nature-Based Yoga Teacher Training™
Become a Registered Yoga Teacher
Pinecone Yoga Institute is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with the Yoga Alliance, which designates this teacher training program as one which follows Yoga Alliance’s standards.
Maximum Capacity: 8 Trainees
Yoga Teacher Training Course Details
The Nature-Based Yoga Teacher Training program at Pinecone Yoga Institute is a unique and immersive experience designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in teaching methodology, anatomy, yoga humanities, and professional essentials. This curriculum meets the elevated standards for a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program by the Yoga Alliance. We emphasize the connection between yoga and nature, encouraging trainees to explore and incorporate the natural world into their practice and teachings. As part of the program trainees will have the opportunity to study with experienced yoga teachers and outdoor enthusiasts, as well as to explore and connect with nature through a variety of outdoor practices, including:
Nature Bathing: Also known as forest bathing or shinrin-yoku. This is practice involves immersing oneself in the natural world and using all of the senses to connect with the environment.
Elemental Study: Trainees will have the opportunity to study yoga and meditation practices along the shores of Lake Superior.
Mindful Hikes: Trainees will embark on mindful hikes, exploring the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape while also engaging in yoga and meditation studies along the way.
Winter Meditations: In the winter months, trainees will have the opportunity to explore the snow-covered landscape with meditation practices, connecting with the stillness and serenity of the winter wilderness.
Lake Dips in Lake Superior: Trainees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the waters of Lake Superior.
Overall, this Yoga Teacher Training program is a transformative experience that combines the foundations of yoga and the natural world. We believe when more people are connected with themselves and their surroundings, and are equipped to effectively share that, we can do big things for our communities and environment.
Our training will be primarily located at BeWell Marquette when we are not engaging in elemental study. We will meet over the course of 10 months. Stay tuned for 2025 course dates, below is an example schedule of what you can expect.
Course Dates:
September 22-24, 2023
October 20-22, 2023
November 17-19, 2023
January 19-21, 2024
February 23-25, 2024
March 22-24, 2024
April 26-28, 2024
May 17-19, 2024
June 28-30, 2024
July 26-28, 2024
Daily Schedule Outline *segments may vary:
Friday (6-9 pm):
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM: Welcome and Session Overview
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM: Yoga Practice and Meditation
Saturday (8am-5pm):
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Yoga Practice and Meditation
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Breakfast Self-Sadhana
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Philosophy & Sutras
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Teaching Methodology
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Self Sadhana
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM: Special Topics
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Closing Meditation
Sunday (8am-4pm):
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Yoga Practice and Meditation
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Breakfast Self-Sadhana
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Special Topics
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Anatomy & Physiology
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Self Sadhana
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM: Special Topics
*Trainees will need to bring their own meals/snacks per session.
Attendance Policy:
Graduation from our program requires the student’s attendance at all training sessions. Any absence must be approved in advance by our program director. A maximum of 20 hours may be missed if arranged in advance and approved by the program director. We will provide 1 make-up session totaling 20 hours included in the price of tuition. We do not accept unapproved absences and they may result in dismissal from the program. In this case, graduation will be at the sole discretion of the program director. If you have a scheduling conflict, please contact info@pinecone.yoga to see how we may be able to accommodate you.
Pinecone Yoga Institute is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with the Yoga Alliance, which designates this teacher training program as one which follows Yoga Alliance’s standards. Topics for a RYS teacher training must be relevant to Yoga Alliance’s five educational categories as defined below. Registered Yoga Schools must provide a minimum number of study hours in each educational category to make up the total 200 required hours. Here is how Pinecone Yoga Institute has chosen to explore these educational categories in our 200-Hour Nature-Based Yoga Teacher Training™.
RYS Educational Categories:
Techniques, Training and Practice
70 Contact Hours
In this category we will delve into various methods of traditional yoga practice, including asana, pranayama, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and more. Our focus will be on both guided practice of these techniques and analytical training on how to effectively teach them.
Asana — This will include exploring the benefits, risks, and contraindications of foundational yoga postures, as well as techniques for safe transitions, intelligent sequencing, alignment, and hands-on assists.
Pranayama — Trainees will be taught and given the chance to practice several techniques, while also learning about their benefits and effects.
Kriyas — We will cover various yogic cleansing and purification techniques, such as neti, kapalabhati, agni sara, and more.
Chanting & Mantra — We will explore different chants. Trainees will experience and practice mantras that they can later use in their own practice.
Meditation — We will offer various forms of guided meditation, including breath focus, sensory withdrawal, visualization, and mantra. The emphasis will be on quieting the mind and experiencing the present moment.
Anatomy & Physiology
30 Contact Hours
Trainees will receive an overview of anatomical terms and a basic understanding of the physical body. There will be classes and discussions on the skeletal, muscular, cadiovascular, and nervous systems, with an emphasis on how these systems benefit from yoga. Trainees will also learn about the digestive system and the yogic diet.
Throughout this category, trainees will gain an understanding of the body and its relationship to the practice of yoga. This knowledge will enable them to provide safe and effective instruction to their students, as well as enhance their own personal practice.
Yoga Humanities
30 Contact Hours
We will delve into the foundational texts of yoga, such as the Yoga Sutras, gaining a deeper understanding of the principles and values that underpin the practice of yoga.
Trainees will also explore the eight limbs of yoga and how they relate to modern-day life, with an emphasis on the yamas and niyamas as guides for ethical behavior and personal growth.
The category will also include an exploration of the yogic lifestyle, including the practice of self-care, mindfulness, and meditation. Trainees will learn how to cultivate a daily practice that supports physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and how to encourage their students to do the same.
Professional Essentials
50 Contact Hours
Trainees will have the opportunity to put their knowledge and skills into practice through supervised teaching experiences. They will receive feedback and guidance, and have the chance to refine their teaching style and develop their own unique voice as a yoga teacher.
Trainees will design and teach their own classes, incorporating the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout the program. They will learn to sequence classes intelligently, use appropriate language and cues, and offer modifications and variations to make the practice accessible to all.
Professional essentials will also provide trainees with the tools for professional development including review of the Yoga Alliance credentialing process, understanding liability and waivers, marketing and promotion basics, and learning the Yoga Allaince’s ethical commitment and why it’s important.
15 Contact Hours
We believe in offering a well-rounded and comprehensive curriculum that goes beyond the core requirements set by the Yoga Alliance. Our program includes 15 elective hours that delve deeper into key aspects of yoga, with a strong emphasis on embracing nature as an integral part of the practice.
Please pick up the following books at a local bookstore or online:
Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews
The Yoga Sutras by Dennis Hill
*Please note the manual is included in your tuition and will be made available on the first training session.
Along with studying under the Elevated Registered Yoga School 200 Standards set by the Yoga Alliance, you can expect:
A logistics email prior to each training session.
A 90 minute yoga practice during every training session.
The ability to integrate training sessions into your current lifestyle.
Nature-based learning and teaching methodologies.
An emphasis on teaching accessible yoga to equip you with the know-how to accommodate a larger population of students.
The art of teaching and practicing your skills to become a confident yoga teacher.
The art of touch and practicing a variety of physical adjustments across several asana.
Practicing a variety of meditations and yogic chants originating from India.
The business of yoga and how to apply yourself as a yoga teacher in a studio or pop-up environment.
A holistic foundation for your yoga teacher journey.
Full Tuition: $3,625 - After receiving the acceptance email, applicants will be invoiced a deposit of $900. Final invoices will be emailed 4 weeks before the start date of training. The deadline to pay in full is 2 weeks prior to the start date of training.
Payment plans can be made available upon request.
Upon completion of our course, trainees who demonstrate our skill competency and complete 200 hours of classwork, will receive a certificate for completion of the curriculum. This will allow you to register with Yoga Alliance as a 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher.
A Letter From the Lead Trainer…
Hello, I am so glad you are here! I’m stoked to bring this program to our community. I believe when people are connected with themselves and their surroundings and are equipped to effectively share that, we can do big things for our community and environment.
Allow me to introduce myself—I’m Cat, the Lead Trainer at Pinecone Yoga Institute. I am a passionate yoga and meditation teacher with over 2,000 hours of teaching experience. Throughout my yoga journey, accessibility has been at the core of my practice. In this training, we will harmonize proper alignment techniques with mindful language, creating an environment that fosters transcendental meditation. We will also explore the interconnectedness between ourselves and the surrounding environment.
This training encompasses the experiences I have gained over the years, incorporating the teachings of Sivananda, Yin, Yoga Nidra, and Sadhana Yoga practices. What sets this training apart is Marquette's awe-inspiring natural beauty providing the perfect foundation for exploring the benefits of nature-based yoga and meditation practices. Throughout 500 of my teacher training hours, I deliberately ventured off-grid to study with my wisest teacher—nature. The lessons I learned during this time were profound and life-changing.
This is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. This training is designed to meet you where you are and help you develop your skills as a yoga teacher.
I sincerely encourage you to join us for this adventure. Together, we will create a community of compassionate yoga teachers who can inspire positive change on and off the mat.
With Gratitude,
Cat │ E-RYT 500® & YACEP®
Founder & Lead Trainer